Thursday 12 March 2009

The best thing that happened today was reading the March 11th blog post of Keri Smith's blog, and it calming my frazzled, overworked, stressed, and panicky head for a moment while I bathed in its sense, honesty, and relate-ability.

This paragraph in particular jumped at me, screaming for attention, and for me to take its ideas seriously:

I suppose the lesson is that no matter what level of a career you reach, this process [of reassessing confidences] will always repeat itself. You think once you get to a certain stage everything will take care of itself and you will not have to deal with all these messy human things. Ironically when reaching a place of strength there exists some strange internal and external pressure to continue to "perform" and at the very least stay where you are. I ponder the thought that I would be perfectly okay if I had to start over from scratch every single day. actually aren't we all doing that anyway?

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